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Province of India: Light which showed me the truth

P eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

“You are the fire that forever burns and never goes out. You are the fire that enlightens minds with its light…that light which showed me the truth”

Catherine of Siena


April 29th was a significant and auspicious day in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption. It was the feast of St. Catherine of Siena which marks the beginning of our foundation and the patron of the congregation. On the solemnity of St. Catherine of Siena, Indian Province had a double celebration, the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena and the first profession of Sr. Kabita Basumatary in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption.

The Indian province had an immense joy in welcoming the new member Sr. Kabita Basumatary to the province on 29th of April 2023 as she said complete “yes” to the Lord. 

We Assumption sisters, many priests and religious sisters from different congregations, Assumption Together, parishioners and the family members of Sr. Kabita witnessed her temporary vows. The Solemn Holy Mass began with the entrance dance by our candidates and postulants.

Indeed, it was a day of blessing and happiness for Sr. Kabita because she felt that, she has said her “Yes” to Jesus to follow Him faithfully and ardently.

 Sr. Kabita shares her experience with us……

"I am glad to share my experience with you all. It was indeed a great joy for me to reach the altar of the Lord. I am grateful to God for accompanying me throughout my life’s journey. Though at times I was unable to see the presence of the Lord but now when I look back my life the wonders of the Lord, I am happy to count the blessings of the Lord. Yes, I have said "a complete Yes" to the Lord, the Church and his people. It is a call and invitation for me to be faithful in my religious life and to work in His Vineyard with great zeal and passion."