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The celebration of Marie Eugénie in the Mpiko High School, in Kinshasa, DR CONGO

T eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

Every year, the Lycée Mpiko, a school of Sisters of the Assumption in Kinshasa, in D.R. of the CONGO, celebrates its patronal feast on March 10th , the feast of Marie Eugénie. This year, March 10 being a Sunday, we celebrated the opening of the Diamond Jubilee (60 years) on March 9th. The Mpiko High School, having trained influential ladies who have been working for the transformation of Congolese society for many years, wanted to make our voices heard on this festive day to plead in favor of quality education which places young people at the center, thus making them agents of the transformation of society. We also took advantage of this opening of the Jubilee to denounce the war which has been raging in the east of the DRC for almost three decades, pushing thousands of families onto the roads, depriving them of all resources, sleeping under the stars with the risk of lose their lives at any time. So on March 8th, celebrating International Women's Rights Day, we celebrated a Mass to implore peace, through the intercession of Our Patron Saint, Marie Eugénie.