closeAuthor: Mother Marie Eugénie
Live the Gospel and attain heaven through sufferings - May 4th 1873 | Mother Marie Eugénie April 1873
Attentiveness and fidelity to prayer - November 2nd 1873 | Mother Marie Eugénie February 1873
On the spirit of penance - March 2nd 1873 | Mother Marie Eugénie February 1873
The aim and works of the Congregation - July 30th 1871 | Mother Marie Eugénie June 1873
On detachment - September 29th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie May 1874
On perfect self-surrender - December 22nd 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie October 1873
Imitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - November 21st 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie September 1873
The Life of Jesus in us - January 21st 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie September 1873
Examine what is contrary to the Reign of God - November 17th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie May 1873
Zeal for perfection - September 15th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie March 1873
On adoration - December 15th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie March 1873
The Immaculate Conception - December 8th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie August 1872
Love of Our Lord - September 7th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie July 1872
Confidence in God - April 7th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie July 1872
Renewal for the start of the Year - January 7th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie July 1872
Easter Thursday - April 4th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie April 1872
Consecration of our Congregation and of ourselves to God - November 10th 1872 | Mother Marie Eugénie November 1872
Marie Eugenie's credo | Mother Marie Eugénie March 1841
Intimate Notes 234/01 | Mother Marie Eugénie March 1878
Intimate Notes 233/01 | Mother Marie Eugénie March 1877

