Mission | Youth

“Jesus makes his presence felt amid the difficulties borne by young people; he offers them his friendship, his consolation and his healing companionship. The Church wants to be his instrument on this path to interior healing and peace of heart.” 

Christus Vive 83


We are convinced that our charism, by its community dimension, its international character, its strong spirituality and its engagement for the transformation of society, can respond to the deepest desires of today’s young people. As Assumption Together, we believe that each person has a mission in life. Thus, we want to journey alongside the young people we meet, to accompany them in their vocational search and to respond to their thirst for spirituality.”

General Chapter of the Congregation, Lourdes 2018, p.15

Through diverse cultural realities but in the same desire to be "all in Jesus Christ and the extension of his reign", "Young Assumption" joins young people who wish to reflect on the issues of faith and put their talents at the service of the Gospel and society. They also share with the communities the passion for the Kingdom, and the search for God in prayer and fraternal life.

This animates "Young Assumption" all over the world.

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Youth Assumption

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