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Chapter – Advent 2020

C eventSunday, 09 March 2025

Original: English

Soeur Rekha Chennattu, RASupérieure Générale

Very dear Sisters and Friends,

I hope these lines find you well and I am praying for that intention. Many things have happened since my last message to all of you in August. Among other things are our online visits and I marvel at the wonders that God is doing in our Provinces. As Advent is around the corner, it is good to be in communion journeying together and that is the reason for my writing this letter.

I begin with the simple question: How can we live the season of Advent meaningfully this year? The Covid-19 pandemic has introduced a new rhythm of life and taught us that not only are rapid changes possible but also they are an integral part of our way of life. Advent is the season that brings a new liturgical year. The word "advent", derived from the Latin adventus, means "coming" or "arrival." The theme of advent is thus all about waiting for the coming of Jesus; it is a time of joyful expectation and preparation. In the Liturgy, the Advent season reminds us of Christ's threefold coming: His past, present, and future comings. First, we celebrate His coming into the world two thousand years ago. Second, we give thanks for His continual coming to us through the Word of God, the Sacraments, and the events of our daily life. Third, we look forward to His second coming in glory at the end of time. This threefold coming is recalled when we prepare ourselves every year for Christmas.


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