
eventWednesday, 05 June 2024

East Africa Province: A thrilling celebration!!!

Saint Marie Eugenie Day, the Feast that is celebrated every 10th March, is indeed a much awaited occasion in our school, Sangiti Secondary School. It is one of the times of the year that we gather together as a family of Sangiti to thank God for...

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eventMonday, 03 June 2024
Saint Marie Eugénie

Anniversary of the Canonization

Marie Eugenie Milleret reminds us first of all of the importance of the Eucharist in the Christian life and in spiritual growth. In fact, as she herself emphasizes, her First Holy Communion was an important moment, even if she was unaware of it at...

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eventSaturday, 01 June 2024

Meeting in Auteuil of Sisters over 70 years of age from the three Provinces of Europe

Launch out into the deep To see photos In the afternoon of Monday, May 20, 43 Sisters over 70 years of age, from the three Provinces of Europe, began a beautiful in-depth fraternal encounter experience at this stage of our life, aware that...

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eventThursday, 30 May 2024

Province Ecuador - Mexico: RA Artisans of Care

Very dear Sisters, Last weekend, May 4 and 5, we had a second Continental Meeting via Zoom with Sisters aged 40 to 60 on the theme: “Religious life, artisans of care”, encouraged by our Provincials and organized by an international group of...

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