At this time when we remember all the saints and souls who have gone before us and remain in...
Jubilate Deo! On Sunday, October 20, together with our sisters Odette Eugénie, Alphonsine Marie,...
As we approach the end of 2024, we are nearing the bicentennial of the birth of our founders,...
With gratitude and emotion, we present this video to honor our dear sisters who have gone to meet God over the past year. In our hope, we feel that each of them has found her place in what we call Heaven's Assumption, a space where their lives,...
The recent DANA in Valencia stands as one of the most severe natural disasters Spain has faced in decades. An estimated 325,000 people have been directly affected in the "ground zero" of the DANA, covering several municipalities in the primary...
November 9th marks a significant date for the Congregation, a special day to remember the anniversary of the first Eucharist celebrated in the chapel of the Assumption. This event is not only a memory of that historic moment but also an invitation...
Never Anything Without God, Everything with God Each year, our Assumption Polytechnic College of Bafoussam (CPA) dedicates one Wednesday in October to celebrate the Mass for the beginning of the school year, known as the Holy Spirit Mass. This...