
eventTuesday, 19 September 2023

Deepti Srankal, JPICS RA international coordinator

"I have fought the good fight I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there's laid up for me the crown of righteousness. 2Tim 4: 7-8 Dear sisters: You already received the news that our sister Deepti Srankal, JPICS RA...

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eventFriday, 08 September 2023

8th September - Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This is one of the most ancient Marian feasts. It is thought that this feast originated in connection with the Feast of the dedication of a church dedicated to Mary, now the Church of St Ann, in Jerusalem in the 6th century. Tradition holds that...

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eventThursday, 07 September 2023
International Day

7th of September - #TogetherForCleanAir

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies This year’s theme of “Together for Clean Air” focuses on the need for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility to overcome air pollution. Given the transboundary nature of...

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eventFriday, 01 September 2023

Youth ministry in our Asia Pacific provinces

NEWS FROM THAILAND Serra International, an organization of Catholic laypeople devoted to promoting vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life, has marked its 80th global meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand from June 22 to 25, 2023....

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