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Continental Meeting of the Africa-Madagascar Formators

C eventMonday, 10 March 2025

See photos

At the end of the meeting of the young Sisters from Africa and Madagascar, that of the Formators of the Continent began on Sunday August 6 on the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, an enlightening reality for those who have the heavy responsibility of guiding the young people in formation to the full development of their vocation in following Christ and Marie-Eugenie of Jesus.

For us, it was a question of reviewing the progress made since the agreed upon document of the ratio in Nairobi 2019.

The present session was an opportunity to receive the new Ratio from the hands of Sisters Irene Cecile and Marthe Marie, the General Counselors who accompany both Africa and Madagascar on behalf of the whole Congregation. By welcoming the new Ratio, we have received the mission to contextualize it in our African and Malagasy realities.

We were happy to meet as Sisters, to share our experiences on mutually enriching each other regarding formation.

While acknowledging the grace of each stage, we have noted that the aspirancy is a stage that deserves great attention so that the rest of the formation will eventually be easier.

With the presence of Sister Césarie Marie, our eldest Sister in charge of on-going formation in the Province of Rwanda-Chad, we also shared on on-going formation which also deserves special care in order to persevere in fidelity to Christ.

  We internalized what we reflected on with Ana Gallastegui which made everything we experienced very profitable moments for all.

Many thanks to the Congregation and to the Province of Rwanda-Chad for having organized this session so well.


Sister Marie-Madeleine AGONOU

West-Africa Communication Team