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Echo of the Golden Jubilee Celebration and of the Perpetual Vows

E eventMonday, 10 March 2025

Province of West Africa: Echo of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Sister Marie-Thérèse KANSOLE and of the Perpetual Vows of Sister Béatrice TAPSOBA

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On Saturday, December 28, 2020, the parish of St. Pierre de Goughin in Ouagadougou, went through a record of extraordinary days! In fact, two of our Sisters, surrounded by their blood families and the other Assumption families, gave thanks for the fidelity of the Lord to them and to our entire Congregation. Yes, 50 years of religious life for Sister Marie-Thérèse Kansolé of the Incarnation. We give thanks to God who "guides our destinies" according to the expression of our Holy Mother Marie Eugenie!

The Eucharist was presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Léopold Médard OUEDRAOGO, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Ouagadougou, in charge of Consecrated Life within the Episcopal Conference of Burkina-Niger. It is also worth noting the presence of Monsignor Alexandre BAZIE, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Koudougou (Burkina) as well as of many priests and consecrated persons. The four other families of the Assumption were also present. What a joyful day!

The great moments of this happy event were the calling forth of the professed, Sister Béatrice Eugénie de l'Eucharistie. Her word: "I call you my friends..."  (Jn 15:15), the pronunciation of her final vows and the giving of the ring to the professed Sister by our Provincial, Sister Virginie Kanyala, as a sign of this definitive commitment to the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption. During the same celebration, our Sister celebrating her Golden Jubilee renewed her vows until death while giving thanks for the Lord's fidelity to her. Her word: "Father, your will be done".

This beautiful day ended with a fraternal agape.

 Sister  Marie-Madeleine AGONOU. RA