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Echoes of the various celebrations of the Holy Week Triduum and Easter through our Communities in West Africa

E eventSaturday, 22 February 2025

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Community of Notsé- TOGO

The Holy Week Triduum and Easter were lived in the parish with a small number of faithful. We were united with them. Of course, the Tenebrae Offices were well lived in community. We remain in communion of prayer and thought with the whole Congregation. Your Sisters.

Community of Kissidougou- Guinea

The Holy Week Triduum and the Passover were lived with fervor and joy! Our Easter candle is the symbol of all peoples together, signified through different colors. Christ transcends all the realities of our lives. His Resurrection is the strong symbol of our resurrections. May He deliver us from all evil. We are three and happy to have welcomed Sr. Virginie, our Provincial, for her visit now locked down by the confinement due to the Coronavirus. Your Sisters of Kissi.

Welcome to the novitiate of Bobo-Burkina

Happy Easter to all of you! A special grace for the novitiate: we had all the celebrations in the house. Holy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m., Easter Vigil at 8.30 p.m. and Easter Day Mass at 8 a.m. What happiness! You can imagine our joy. Father Edouard ADE, rector of the Catholic University of West Africa, Unity of Bobo, has offered to help us live these important times by staying with us. And, as a wise and informed man, he took more than 15 days to do his self-confinement to make sure that everything was fine at home before coming to us. What delicacy! We bless God for him. Your Sisters.

Community of Niamey in NIGER

The Mother Marie Denyse Community of Niamey wishes you a happy Easter. The Easter Triduum was lived in community, thanks to Father Vito, SMA (Society of African Missions) for Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday thanks to Father Simon, a diocesan priest. Our caretaker, the cook and a friendly couple joined us. May God be blessed for all his thoughtfulness. Your Sisters.

Community of Abomey - BENIN

Our Community lived the three Holy Days in community, without the Way of the Cross on Friday, but we meditated on the Passion. On Holy Saturday, we had the joy of a Mass at 6:30 am and at noon, fraternal correction and uplifting.

Community of Koudougou in Burkina Faso

In Koudougou, the three Holy Days were for us the occasion for a great communion of prayer with the whole people of God in confinement. Apart from the Tenebrae Offices carefully prepared by each Sister, we lived the Way of the Cross with six of us in our large courtyard without students, very recollected and prayerful. The Easter Vigil prepared and celebrated with particular care prepared us for the Resurrection Mass on Easter Sunday thanks to Father Jean Ouedraogo, our "assistant chaplain". What a grace, what a privilege! We bless God! May the Risen Christ join every Christian who would have liked to celebrate Easter in joy and fervour! Your Sisters