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Vows of Sister Eglé Toma of the Resurrection

V eventMonday, 10 March 2025

The Community of the Religious of the Assumption in Vilnius invites you to share in the joy of celebrating the profession of perpetual vows of Sister Eglé Toma of the Resurrection on Saturday 12th September 2020, 12 noon (Lithuanian time) in the church of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Vilnius.

The celebration will be broadcasted live on our youtube channel: https://youtu.be/KpAGyKy6QdQ 










If you are thinking of making a gift, Sister Eglé would be happy if the corresponding sum could be used to repair the roof of the house in Balingradas - an ecological space for informal and religious education for the pupils of our school. RIB: L T 45 7044 0600 0158 8148, SEB mentioning: "for the vows of Sr Eglé".