Sr Anne Thielen Assesment (Economes Session) | Religious of the Assumption February 2020
Humility | Sister Regina Yulo February 2012
Education and Communion Province of USA | Secretariat of Education February 2020
Sr Agnès Thérèse Assesment (Economes Session) | Religious of the Assumption October 2019
Discernment in the way of Saint Marie Eugenie | Sister Véronique Thiébaut February 2019
Marie Eugenie and the Communion Part 1 | Sister Véronique Thiébaut January 2019
Reflection on Synod on Young People | Secretariat of Education January 2019
The Project for Joel and our mission of education | Secretariat of Education January 2019
The Hope lives- The story of ATHS | Secretariat of Education January 2019
Experience of discernment in West Africa | Secretariat of Education January 2019
Summary communion part 1 | Secretariat of Education January 2019
Diagram Discernment with Marie Eugenie | Secretariat of Education January 2019
Study Disciples of Emmaus | Secretariat of Education January 2019
Summary Of Educative Transformation 2017 | Secretariat of Education January 2017
The educational charism Assumption: a creative dynamism between the past, today and tomorrow | Sister Ana Senties January 2017
Summary Of Educative Transformation 2016 | Secretariat of Education January 2016
Summary Of Educative Transformation 2015 | Secretariat of Education January 2015
Summary Of Educative Transformation 2014 | Secretariat of Education January 2014
Summary Of Educative Transformation 2013 | Secretariat of Education January 2013
“Journeying gently on the earth": Human ecology | Sister Cecile Renouard January 2012

