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A project in the service of life and education

A eventSunday, 09 March 2025

In 2020, "Assomption Solidarité " financed the installation of a solar water pump for the parish of St. John Paul II in Misughaa (diocese of Singida) in Tanzania. The purpose of this pump was to supply the entire population with sufficient quantities of drinking water. The distribution of drinking water would not only transform the lives of the villagers, but even more so the education of their children. Indeed, since they no longer had to go far to fetch the water necessary for the family's life, they could finally attend school normally.

During the summer, Sister Honorata, Provincial of East Africa, went with another sister to meet Father Patrick Myuku, the person in charge of the project. Showing her the work that has been done, Father Myuku expressed his great joy at being able to distribute clean and abundant water to the population. Sister Honorata stressed the importance of this project which, through water, transforms not only the lives of the population but above all the education and future of the children.At present the parish is acting as spokesperson for the school boards and committees of the surrounding villages and is asking for the possibility of extending this project by installing pipes that will bring water close to the houses.

See photos and videos here


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