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Assumption Novena, August 6 - 14 of 2023

A eventMonday, 10 March 2025

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Sister Cristina María offers us a Biblical-inspired meditation and a prayer every day to prepare us for August 15.

These meditations are based on the book by Cardinal Eduardo Pironio : Un chemin d’espérance avec Marie, aux Editions Cerf/Bellarmin : “The faith I prefer”, says God, “is hope”.

This verse by Péguy characterizes well the path of the Virgin who says "yes" leaning on Him for whom "nothing is impossible"...

The itinerary of Mary, the poor, the contemplative, the woman-for-others, is manifested above all, through her mystery of hope, in the various stages of her journey: from the Annunciation toPentecost and finally in the glorious Assumption, when she, definitively configured with Christ, she becomes "a sign of hope and consolation for the People of God on the march" (LG 68).Hope is an active virtue, it does not give rise to mirages. She guides towards the definitive, towards the possession of the new heaven and the new earth where justice will reign. At the same time, she invites us to commit ourselves, here and now, to the construction of a more just world, of a "civilization of love". Hence the interest of the pages on "Christian commitment to the poor".On this path of hope, Mary precedes the traveler and teaches him to "set her heart where true joys are found"...



* Image property: vecteezy.com

**Painting property: Stephen B Whatley's