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COP26: 24 Hour Prayer Vigil & Climate Justice March

C eventWednesday, 12 March 2025

Assumption participated in an international effort in a 24-Hour Prayer Vigil to save our Common Home as we, “Hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” – Pope Francis


As Pope Francis said in his letter to COP26 negotiators, “Now is the time to act, urgently, courageously and responsibly. Not least to prepare a future in which our human family will be in a position to care for itself and for the natural environment.”

Together with 30+ Catholic organisations such as the Columbans, Laudato Si’ Movement and CAFOD, The Religious of the Assumption hosted 24 Hours for the Climate, a global vigil streamed online for people of all faiths to pray and advocate the success of COP26. The vigil took place on 5-6 November in Glasgow and garnered more than 1,993 people from around the world!

During our global event, we collected climate stories from 22 countries from around the world, to listen to the realities of the many who already feel the impact of the climate crisis. We encouraged our viewers to share their prayers and testimonies during the vigil, which have now been combined in a packet and sent to COP26 negotiators, urging them to take these necessary actions:

  1. Stop all fossil fuel extraction by 2040
  2. Protect and restore ecosystems
  3. Provide financial support to developing countries to ensure they can adapt and respond to the climate crisis


Once the 24-hour vigil ended, we joined the ‘Global Day of Action for Climate Justice’ march, which started in the west of Glasgow at Kelvingrove Park and ended in the south in Glasgow Green. It has been estimated that 100,000 people gathered in solidarity, all crying out for our leaders to act NOW as we battle the climate crisis together. As the summit closes to an end, we must continue to hold our leaders accountable and as individuals, continue to act responsibly in our common home.

Lord, help us all to tread lightly and wisely, valuing the needs of others, and of creation, above our own desires. Challenge us where we need to change our lifestyles. Convict us when we need to speak out on behalf of a voiceless people. Lead our leaders to truth and transformation. Amen.

(Article written in the web of Religious of the Assumption of Europe)


Children's messages on climate change from the Assumption Schools in Mexico, October 2021









A video presentation from Mexican Province of the Assumption Sisters, with contributions from the Assumption Schools for COP26 in Glasgow