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Covid-19 Pandemic and lock down

C eventMonday, 10 March 2025

Original: English  

We are very happy to share with you some of our experiences. Today the life of whole humanity has greatly changed and challenged. Before the corona virus we were going out for our needs without any difficulties. But now everybody has to be inside the house. We are all in great hope of the normal life as before. But we do not know when it will be. It is only in God’s hand. During this pandemic many people have lost their loved ones. They were not even able to see them or say goodbye to them. Many migrants are waiting to go to their own places. Now it has passed many months but there is no change. Therefore our trust is only in God. He alone can help us in this difficult situation.

The experience in the midst of covid-19

The covid-19 has given us its own positive and negative experiences. We are experiencing happiness and on the other hand disappointment too. Such as, making use of time effectively and to get more time to think and meditate what corona really wants to communicate with us. It gave us the realization that we are only human beings with our weakness and limitedness. There is no difference between the rich and the poor, religion, color, cast etc. Where ever we are and what ever may be our statues everybody has to wear a mask on the face, keep distance and to take all the precautions to protect oneself and one another.

Nowadays using the Mass media, zoom meetings and online classes have become more popular. We are entering into E-World. We are interconnected with people and the Church as a whole.  We could pray together at a time for the humanity using online.  Physical movements are less, but we could connect with others through WhatsApp, Telephone, and Internet to have a good communication and relationship with our family members, friends, students and all whom we know. During this time we could experience the generosity of our sisters and outsiders.  We also got some chance to renter our generosity with suffering humanity through providing mask, food items like rice, dhal, oil etc. We are blessed to have the Holy Mass everyday either by online or Fathers coming to our house. 

We also found that the women and girl children are safe and not heard much about any misbehaver or harassment with them these days. That means corona has helped us to protect women and girl children.   We could also see how it has lowered down each ones pride. People became more humble and simple. Learned to live with what is available and necessary.

When we come on to the negative side of it we could see all of us have been cut off from the outside World. There is fear and anxiety among all the people. Many people have lost their jobs and wealth.  One of the main problems is the Education, where students are worried and afraid of their future. We can see children in the cities and towns are having online classes but those children who all are in the rural area have no facilities to attend classes. Some of our candidates are also attending online classes. They already had first unit test. Now they are preparing for their midterm examination. Parents are anxious to send their children to school.  Small children are missing their friends to run around and play.

During this pandemic we are hearing much news that many poor and migrants are dying in the world due to lack of food, shelter and also affected by the corona virus. We all of us have been called by God to hear the cry of these people, to pray for them and to join with them in their sorrow.

Thank you for listening to our news.

United with love and prayers.

Postulants and Candidates,

Wagholi Community.
