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CPAE - 1st meeting of the Permanent Council of Assumption Together - Opening Message Sister Rekha

C eventThursday, 13 March 2025

Dear sisters and friends

The CPAE began a series of meetings that will continue until Aug. 24, 2019. This marks the first ever gathering of the CPAE Team and the start of our service for “Assumption Together”.

Most of this first day was dedicated to share your answers to the questionnaire we emailed to you prior to the series of meetings. We gratefully acknowledge everything you have contributed. Truthfully, your answers have revealed the reality of the diversity of Assumption Together in each continent worldwide.

We give thanks to God for this richness this gives us.

We have taken the liberty of attaching a photo of all of us. We began the meeting with the presence of Sr. Rekha and her inspiring message.

We request that you keep us in your prayer for years success of this endeavor.

In communion,

Rodrigo, Inez, Maria, sisters Catherine-Marie and Marthe-Marie.