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The Spirit of the Assumption in the Philippines

T eventSunday, 09 March 2025

The Philippines is constantly beset by calamities and disasters, with a great majority of its population living in poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the challenges of the poor with many going hungry for nearly three years and many school children denied regular education. But on such occasions  -- regardless of their frequency or magnitude – one can expect the Assumption community to instantly lend a hand, donate funds, and offer prayers to uplift the plight of those in need.  Since the 1970s, alumnae have been supporting mission schools (that have produced among the brightest minds in the country); and for over 30 years, the Marie Eugenie Institute that forms teachers in the charism of Mother Foundress. 

All these acts of generosity and love are gratis por deo – but why?  Simply, it is because of the Assumption Spirit that dwells in us.

The Assumption Spirit – it can be a catchall reply to why and how we do things but what it actually is can be a little harder to articulate.  What exactly is the Spirit of the Assumption?

St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus herself reflected on the Assumption Spirit as gleaned from her writings.  In one passage she says:  “The Spirit of the Assumption is characterized by straightforwardness, openness, thoughtfulness, simplicity, honor, kindness and courage.”

This quote mirrors the values and virtues that Assumption education has impressed on the thousands of alumnae who, to this day, continue to practice them in their personal and professional lives. These are not just words; they are guideposts that we follow anywhere we go.  This is why the Assumption girl – no matter where she eventually ends up residing in the world – will always have that Assumption Spirit as her life’s compass. It is our constant “Yes!” to God’s call.

The Spirit of the Assumption, therefore, transcends time and space. It is alive in whatever it is we do, be it as a mother, sister, daughter, student, teacher, religious, professional, or retiree. This is the reason why on Old Girl’s Day, we all feel united regardless of when we graduated from school. There is this indescribable and invisible but potent force that binds us together – the spirit that drives us to be women of faith, women of action.

The Assumption Spirit cannot be anything but good because it inspires us; and this inspiration is a gift from God.  Again, St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus verbalizes this in her thoughts: “Another aspect of the Assumption is the spirit of zeal and fervor for the coming reign of our Lord on earth. The spirit of zeal must show itself by our loving work for Our Lord, and in the desire for al that can most glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ and increase His reign in souls.”

There are terms that try to capture the Spirit of the Assumption – fidelity to duty… noblesse oblige… transformative education… paying it forward…humility… service… mission… generosity … love of simplicity. The list can include all the lyrics of our school song, all the words in our penmanship models, and all the lessons learned from our beloved teachers. It is the totality of all these – and our personal affirmations – that determine the Assumption Spirit.

And the Spirit will live on because we are the Assumption.

MLV Balmaceda

31 July 2024