local_offer Sisters

First anniversary of the new Community in Bluefields (Nicaragua)

F eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

There is only one foundation stone which is Jesus Christ.  It is on Jesus Christ that we are built.” (St. Marie Eugenie)


Challenged by the words of Pope Francis to go to the peripheries and with the passion for the Kingdom of God that characterizes us, we were sent and confirmed in the mission that was entrusted to us.

Our journey begins at Vespers-

The announcement arrived on December 16, 2019 while we were on our annual retreat in La Palmera, Nicaragua.

We were invited to come up front to receive the symbol of the boat representing the Assumption in the Bluefields Mission on the Caribbean Coast.

The imposition of hands by all the Sisters and the invocation to the Spirit filled us with strength, hope, and joy, knowing that we are not alone.  The country, the Province, the Congregation walk with us.




The great day has arrived!

Very early in the morning of December 18, we left the Community of La Palmera on our way to Bluefields.  Leaving this Community has been very significant because it is the Community of our older Sisters who have sustained and encouraged the missionary spirit of our Province.

The first days in our new Community were spent setting up the place.  The days passed quickly and soon we saw little by little  the image of the Assumption in the house.  Seeing Marie Eugenie and Therese Emmanuel in the chapel already made us feel at home

Some laymen and women from the parish came to greet and welcome us as well as the Good Shepherd Sisters who have been present in the Bluefields parish for 100 years.  These encounters made us feel welcome.

We were able to integrate ourselves in the educational pastoral program of the San Jose Parochial School accompanying teachers and some pre-school and High School groups.  We also started little by little to get to know and animate the different pastoral programs of the parish. The Assumption has been cordially welcomed and we have perceived the affection, openness and trust of the people of Bluefields all throughout this experience.

With the certainty that “No more loving and wiser hand could guide our destiny” (St. Marie Eugenie), we continue incarnating ourselves in this intercultural and ecumenical reality entrusted to us.

In this simple yet profoundly grateful way, and feeling united in the same Spirit that impelled our first Sisters at the origin of the Assumption, we share the significance of our first steps here.


The Community of Bluefields