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Praying with the Assumption of the World

P eventWednesday, 12 March 2025

The prayer of the school management teams of vallecas (madrid) and águilas (mexico) 

The Covid 19 pandemic has forced our management and education teams to continue to research and create resources in order to continue teaching by accompanying families in their specific situation and students in their educational process.

As educational teams, we also want this situation to help us grow in our Assumption, in our Faith and in the following of Jesus, in order to transform our world based on the values of the Gospel, making it more livable and better. Those of us who wish to recreate and continue to give life to the charism of St. Mary Eugenie cannot let the situation we are living through, go by, without affecting and changing us. 

This time of lockdown was a beautiful opportunity to make encounters that allowed us to weave an Assumption network in which sharing, solidarity and celebration are always present. 

On May 19, in despite the seven-hour time difference, our two leadership teams were able to have an online meeting during which, after a warm greeting and a joyful presentation by each member of the teams, we prayed together , beginning with the text of the Resurrection of Lazarus, contemplating Jesus' love for his friends, his union with the Father as the source of life, and his sense of what it means to enjoy and suffer with the life of the brothers. His tears shed at the death of his friend help us to walk like him, united to the suffering of our world, with open hearts and hope.

Contemplating and listening to Jesus, we have welcomed the strength of his courage and the conviction with which he cries out: "Lazarus, come out" and with these words he calls us all to life, as soon as we feel death in us, to spread life everywhere, people or moments that today more than ever need us. 

We bid farewell, sharing our dreams of continuing to grow as an International Assumption community and extending our experience to the whole Educating Community, certain that THE WORLD IS TOO SMALL FOR OUR LOVE (Saint Marie-Eugénie).