local_offer Sisters

Province of Ecuador - Camino de Vida ...new members

P eventWednesday, 03 July 2024



We were convinced of these words when the Sisters left Chile in February 2018. They were joyful and faithful witnesses of the Gospel, and they passed on to us the conviction that the charism of the Assumption is a gift of God for the Church and for the world, and that each one can enrich it through her or his own vocation.

This conviction led to the birth of the Path of Life Community in 2001, a project and a service, a deepening of spirituality and prayer, community life and friendship, in a desire to strengthen one another in the following of Christ.

With great joy, last August 15, seven new members virtually joined the Path of Life Community, making their commitment in the hands of Sr. Angeles, Provincial of Ecuador-Chile and received the cross. These were: the couple Luis and Manuela, Isidora, Paula, Claudia and Felipe ...we are now 28 lay persons animated by the good Lord and by St. Marie Eugenie.

This specific dramatic time of the pandemic has made us feel fragile and in need of the love and closeness of others and God has allowed us to remain faithful and united to His Word. With His help we have been able to conquer the hearts of others. Having new members committed to the Path of Life is the response to the work done by the Sisters in the building of the Kingdom, which has become a hymn of life, a free and gratuitous offering in the pastoral activities of the Parish where we serve following the spirituality of the Assumption.

We are happy. True, the Sisters left, but they remain in our grateful memory and in this charism that always encourages us. They passionately accompany us from a distance through prayer, formation programs and friendship.


 "Be artisans of humanity and of the future society in collaboration with God.” (MME)

Author: Ma. Eugenia CastilloChile