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Province of India: Easter Reflection

P eventThursday, 16 January 2025

“The Risen Lord makes us instrument of

God’s mercy and Peace, makes us Patient

And courageous artisans of a new social order.”

Pope Francis



Early on Easter Sunday morning the women who had followed Jesus from Galilee to the Cross came to perform burial rites in love and devotion. They were greeted by two angels who announced the astounding news of the Resurrection.

“Why do you seek the living one among the dead…you will not find him here, He is Risen.”LK24:6

At the door of the tomb the women hear the affirmation of life, “He is not here, He has been raised”. Echoing through the centuries this is the foundation of Christian belief. “Christ has been Raised” for each one of us Jesus rises again from the dead and with Him, we, too, rise from our sins to newness of life. Pope Francis says,” He is in you, He is with you and He never abandons you.”

The followers of Christ are summoned to live, proclaim and celebrate this victory of Jesus by resisting all forms of death and violence that saturate our culture. St. Paul urges the early Christians to abandon their old way of life…all that is earthly in them and live a renewed life in the Spirit.” If you are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God”. Col3:4

The risen Lord who empowered and transformed the apostles through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is present in the Church and in the life of each one of us. “Alive He will be present in your life at every moment; to fill it with light and to take away all sorrows and solitude…..He fills your life with His unseen presence.” “I am with you always to the end of the age” Mt28:20.Pope Francis


Let us rejoice because Jesus rose from the dead,

Let us rejoice because Jesus has saved us


And let us be heralds of Easter joy and proclaim the Good News to all the creation.




Sr. Rose JosephRA
