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Province of Madagascar: Session of juniorists in Ambohimahasoa

P eventThursday, 13 March 2025

26 to 29 December 2022. Session of the Juniorists in Ambohimahasoa, Province of Madagascar

We are happy to share with you the session we did in Ambohimahasoa during three days in December 2022.

Theme: Keep carefully what you have already received, because it is always difficult to look for something new.

We arrived on the evening of 26 December. Despite the absence of the three sisters because of the special case then, we were 26 with the three formators: Sr Flavienne, Sr Lucie and Sr Joséphine.

On 27 December we began with a time of prayer and the welcoming of Sr Josephina and the six newly professed sisters. We continued with a time of personal recollection. Then, the conference on the Psalms by our Sr Lucie. The question arises: how to pray with the different psalms in the Divine Office and in personal prayer? Jesus Himself experienced this prayer according to St. Mark 14:26. On the Cross He prayed with Ps 22(21),2 and Ps 31(20),6.

In the afternoon we had a lecture on critical thinking and freedom of the mind given by our sister Josephina. We were in a group to research the news from Madagascar and the world. GI: The management of President Andry Rajoelina. GII : The president's counterparty. GIII : President Andry Rajoelina's speech in New York.  G IV : The war between Ukraine and Russia. We end the day with prayer.

Wednesday 28 December.

We followed a conference on education at the Assumption by our Sr. Josephina and transformative education by our Sr. In our Rule of Life n°72: education is to announce Jesus Christ, to make him known, to work for the integral development of individuals and the people according to the Gospel. Transformative education is rooted in God's project of love in the passion of creation.

In the afternoon, we had as speaker the Parish Priest: Father Jean Louis. The Church lives in the world and has a double mission inside and outside the Church. Jesus said: Go into the whole world...Mk 16,15. Our presence must have a positive impact where we are.

On Thursday 29 December morning, we followed the teaching in the Rule of Life on Prayer and Community Life. The question that arises is: how do we live the means that the Congregation and the Church give us to be faithful followers of Jesus? These means renew us every day and motivate us to return to intimacy with God.

In the afternoon, a time of group sharing on transformative education and a personal time to re-read what we have received during these three days. We finish by sharing what we feel, what helps us, what strikes us by the symbol of each following the evaluation of this session.

 After dinner, an evening of reading competition to allow us to improve our reading by paying attention to punctuation marks and tone. It is a great joy for us to live these three days with the formative Sisters and the Community of Ambohimahasoa.