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Province of Spain: Dalías 50 years "Walking together"

P eventMonday, 22 July 2024

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Walking together has been the motto chosen by the Community of Dalías to celebrate 50 years of presence of the Religious of the Assumption in this town in the Province of Almería, in southern Spain.

On September 23, 1972, the Sisters arrived to found a nursery so that mothers who worked in the fields could leave their children in the care of the Sisters.  In addition, the Sisters animated the parish liturgy, catechesis and other pastoral tasks. The request to open the new foundation in this village was first heard by Cristina González who was studying philosophy in Granada. The wish was passed on to the Superior, who communicated it to the Province who made it possible for three Sisters to start the foundation in the house where a Jesuit saint, Father José María Rubio, once lived.

The Sisters have always been integrated with and in the life of the people of Dalías, which is why, as they themselves say in their thanksgiving, they have been overwhelmed by the affection of the people: "we never thought that it would be experienced with such intensity. The images shared during these days are a reflection of the joy, beauty and enthusiasm of the people of this town, which made us remember many of the moments of our past".

Remembering from the heart is the title of the exhibit that was set up. Through photographs, tables, games, projections and other details, all those who came to see the exhibit return and remember their childhood.  The Community shares: "some have had the opportunity to go back to their childhood by looking at their childhood photograph and mentioning those evangelical values received and engraved that have shaped part of their personality. The Assumption has left a mark in many generations that identifies, that speaks of faith and of the Gospel and has done so through so many Sisters who have passed through Dalías".  The celebration of the 50th anniversary of Dalías brought together many Sisters who have lived and worked for the extension of the Kingdom in this municipality. Among them was Pilar Iniesta, one of the foundresses.

Dalías is a well-known town in the Assumption because the Sisters María José García, Lola Herrera and Loli Ávalos are from there.

A vigil of testimonies and of adoration served to give thanks to God and to the ‘Cristo de la Luz’ (the name given to the Christ of the Church of Dalías which has been venerated for centuries) for so much good received, for so much life given. Listening to the round of testimonies and the gratitude strongly expressed by the people: "The Lord has been great with us and we are overjoyed!” enlivened us. The Community of Religious of the Assumption, Assumption Together, Young Assumption, friends of the Community, Sisters from other Communities and the people celebrated the solemn Eucharist of thanksgiving on Saturday. The whole Liturgy, the songs, the offertory and the final thanksgiving served to praise, bless and give thanks for the mission of God that so many Sisters and lay people experienced throughout these 50 years.

At the end of the Eucharist, a surprise awaited us. Everyone set off following the musical band which stopped at the town square. The group of Assumption Together of Dalías asked the City Council to name the square after the Religious of the Assumption. The entire municipal board of directors approved the proposal. The plaque is a tribute to the work that the Sisters have done over the last 50 years.

We end this review of this celebration with the words of the Community: "Now a new stage opens to continue walking together, opening furrows. Only in this way can our lives be a reflection of Christ the Light".