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Province of Spain: JPIC-S in our lives

P eventMonday, 22 July 2024

The application of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) is of vital importance in our lives as it seeks to promote a just and sustainable world for all living beings.

The application of JPIC-S can have a significant impact on our lives and on society in general. In order to enhance the implementation of JPIC-S, several projects have been launched. One of these projects was carried out by students in the first year of Senior High School (16-17 years old) at the Asunción-Vallecas school (Madrid). From the subject of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences, they created a "cooperative" with the aim of raising awareness in the educational community about the importance of sustainability and ecology and provided them with tools to apply it in their homes and in the community.

The idea is to study the biodiversity of the neighbourhood, propose changes, collaborate with the environment and analyse the school's situation in order to curb climate change. In the first phase of the project, an analysis of the current situation in the school was carried out to identify areas for improvement in order to be more sustainable and we have already started to make changes! After this part was completed with great success and satisfaction, we moved on to phase two: an Ecology Party.

At the party, we enjoyed different workshops demonstrating sustainable day-to-day actions, a film forum, dances and performances. We also opened a shop based on the circular economy (with items donated by the educational community) which has allowed us to give a second ‘life’ to many of the things we have at home. It was very successful.

We had an amazing afternoon with the families and students who came over. In addition, we all raised money that will be invested in ecological improvements in the school. But this will be the third phase of the project of which we will tell you about because caring for the planet is not an option at the Assumption. It is an honour and a privilege. Creation teaches us to be generous, let us follow its example.

Students of 1st year HS and their teacher Isabel Hernández