At our last meeting of Assumption Together we reflected on what is our mission as Assumption in Chaparral this year. Last year we were happy to work as a parish community to welcome the refugees. Due to the new policies, this work has stopped, and our parish is not receiving any new groups of refugees. What are the calls to our Assumption family today? What are the needs of our Chaparral community? As we shared, some concerns emerged about our young people: Drug use and vaping are a big problem in our schools, and there are no organized activities or sports in our park or community centers to assist in supporting, in a healthy way the energy of our youth. This requires action and advocacy to get some response. We realize that we need networking. And it just happens that CAFé (Comunidades de Action y Fe) the New Mexico branch of Faith in Action is reorganizing in New Mexico. The representative in Chaparral is one of the parishioners Maty. Some members of Assumption Together had a follow-up meeting with her. We talked about our concerns and desires which she shares as a mother of four boys; she told us that is important also that the young people themselves express the challenges they face and their desires for their life and their future. CAFfé is organizing a gathering of young people aged 15 to 25 in Las Cruces on October 26, we could bring a group from Chaparral. Here is our call to action! The women of Assumption together are inviting their teenage children and friends, Sr Nha Trang her present and former confirmation students, and we the sisters are extending the invitation to the young people we know.