local_offer Sisters

The expression of fraternal ties within the Central African region

T eventMonday, 22 July 2024

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, from the depths of my being his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of his blessings! ". (Ps 103:1-2)

The Lord blessed us through the first Vows of our five young sisters: Albertine of the Glorious Cross, Chantal-Marie of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Aimérance of Divine Mercy, Gwladys of Christ the Redeemer and Naomie of the Holy Family of Nazareth May our vocation and our mission in community help us to be centered on the person of Christ in the fullness of the Eucharistic mystery and entirely devoted to his love and his glory.

This year we happily welcomed 9 aspirants who came to us from the city of Bandundu and Mbandaka. We have 7 Postulants in the Limité Community and 5 Novices in the Kibomango community. Our joy is immense to see the Assumption of tomorrow through these Young People.

To make the Kingdom of God present, we work to transform the human heart and we strive to be artisans of communion in our environment. Our mission introduces us to the interior dynamism of Christ's love for his Father and for the world, especially for those who do not know Christ.

Our Region grows with the presence of Sister LAETITIA-MARIE from the Province of RWANDA–CHAD, we welcome her. We are very happy to have her among us. Our life of internationality bears witness to the Gospel and makes our announcement of Redeeming Love credible.

The missionary spirit makes us free and available to carry out our apostolic service wherever we are sent to carry and welcome the Good News.

                                                                                              Sister Laurette

Central Africa Region