local_offer Saint Marie Eugénie

To live the resurrection

T eventMonday, 06 January 2025

I will continue speaking about the spirit of the Assumption because it seems to me that what I want to say today coincides with the mystery of the Resurrection.

In a way, the Assumption is a kind of resurrection. It is the life of Mary begun already in heaven. This shows us that our life should always have a touch of joy, even in our struggles and sacrifices. We will experience heart-breaking moments but the way in which we handle these situations should reflect more of heaven than of earth. I would say, therefore, that the last two fruits which the love of Christ should produce in us are charity and a spirit of sacrifice.

In meditating these last few days on the discourse after the Last Supper, you have seen that love is the sign by which Christ wants His disciples to be recognized. This love in us should be characterized by simplicity, openness and honesty. The Constitutions tell us that charity is a love born of God by which we love each other with the same love that God has for us and with the same aim: their holiness in this world and eternal happiness in the next. This love is not a natural love, but devoted love, true love, a love which, not being based on what is pleasing, seeks what is good and useful for the persons whom we love.

Saint Marie Eugenie of Jesus. Spirit of the Assumption VIII - Perfect love of Jesus Christ and love of neighbor - April 14th 1878

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