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CG visit to Mexico: God’s passage always renews

C eventThursday, 16 January 2025

God’s passage always renews

From the 3rd to the 22nd of November, the Province of Mexico had the joy of having a fraternal meeting with our Sisters Rekha Chennattu, Sandra Duran and Isabel Roux. It was a different experience. The monitors do not replace the physical presence but they did help us a lot, in this pandemic situation, to communicate and come closer to each other.  We value and are grateful for the effort and the adaptation to carry out this canonical visit.

The Province is made up of 5 communities: two in the country’s capital: Leones and Carrasco plus Puebla, Queretaro and Leon.  Each is enriched by the fact that they are intergenerational and intercultural, wherein the gifts of each Sister are at the service of life.

The rounds made by Sandra and Isabelle through the communities made us experience God’s passage in our lives, the lay in communion with us and our apostolates. Together we shared experiences, concerns and we are grateful for the life God gives us in abundance.  We feel listened to, accompanied and very renewed in our following of Jesus and in our belonging to the Body Congregation.

God’s passage effected through them left us with challenges and invitations to strengthen our religious life.  Listening intently to God, to ourselves and to each Sister, will help us to continue recreating our community life, make it more fraternal and be witnesses of God’s love there where we have been sent.  Silence, prayer, discernment, going constantly to the sources as Religious of the Assumption and returning to the foundation experience of God in our lives, are the means that allow us to be credible signs of hope and of God’s presence in our world.

In our Provincial Assembly, Rekha’s words helped us deepen each of the calls received.  The challenges are big.  However, she insisted that we believe and make this possible through God’s hands and with the strength of being daughters of Mother Marie Eugenie.  Willing to give the best that each one has, we set off again on our journey with a burning heart, that the Lord may grant us the grace of putting into practice her suggestions to continue incarnating in our lives the spirit of the Assumption.

With much love and gratitude for her stay among us,

The Province of Mexico