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Definitive vows of Sr Prisca of the Province of West Africa

D eventMonday, 22 July 2024

See the photos here


Echo from West Africa: A definitive yes to following Christ!


"I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to his will... Luke 1:38

This first yes of Mary led to other yeses throughout her life.

 On Saturday 7 January 2023, our sister Annick Prisca Kamouni sealed her covenant with Christ in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption in West Africa. The introductory words to this beautiful celebration said this:

"The tom-tom rang out, we were called to the celebration of God's mercy, that of the gratuitousness of Christ's love for Prisca Annick KANMOUNI. 

Indeed, Jesus who gives himself up for our salvation has joined her in his history, has made her his friend and has called her to consecrate her whole life to him in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption. 

To risk the yes to a definitive commitment is to recognize that God has been and is the faithful companion on all the paths of encounters, of responsibilities, of self-giving, of self-denial, and to bring to his name all the blessings received through the mediation of our brothers and sisters.

 Our thanksgiving on this day is therefore immense. In Church, with our sister Prisca Annick KANMOUNI and for her, let us sing the glory of God whose mercy extends from age to age. May the Lord accept our thanksgiving and through this celebration, pour out abundant graces on our families and raise holy vocations for our Church.  May the Lord accept our thanksgiving and answer our prayers.

This celebration of the final vows of our sister gathered not only the human family of Sister Prisca, but also friends, young people of the parish and especially the great Assumption family, in this case the Augustinians and the Orantes.

In his homily, the bishop of Niamey, Laurent LOMPO, said this to Sister Prisca: "Through your solemn profession in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption, the Church invites you to practice the evangelical counsels in your daily life with a renewed spirit of humility, self-giving and love of neighbour. In a world where everything is measured by strength, power and wealth, the consecrated man or woman who does not return to the source in a continuous way is quickly contaminated by the virus of pride... Pride kills and humility brings us closer to God and to our brothers and sisters. The world needs humble witnesses rather than masters. The Church also invites you to give yourself. Religious life ... does not vaccinate against the difficulties of life. Consecrated life is made up of asceticism, of daily renunciation" He ended his homily by insisting on the love of neighbour which is a living testimony of our consecration: "we pray together morning, noon and night; we eat together; we work together; we take recreation together with a smile on our face; but let us remain 'bitter' for one another like leaves from Nîmes. Let us pray and commit ourselves to follow Christ with a liberated spirit in order to transform the world through our life witness.

After the celebration of the Eucharist, a fraternal meal took place in the College Marie-Eugénie, in good humour and simplicity. Good luck to our sister Prisca Annick Kamouni de Jésus.

Sr. Marie-Madeleine AGONOU. Provincial Communication Officer.


See the photos here