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Young Saints

Y eventTuesday, 04 March 2025


Joyful, courageous and devoted!

Original Catellano

This month of October is missionary month, and, within the Secretariat for Youth and Vocations, we would like to share some portraits of young saints that Pope Francis reminded us of in his Exhortation Christus vivit.

Their lives remind us of what God accomplishes in the lives of people who open themselves fully to Him and to His action.  Holiness is not a question of age; we can all live fully in our present reality by focusing on this immense form of free love that God has for us and by learning to spread it around us. 

 “Through the holiness of the young, the Church can renew her spiritual ardour and her apostolic vigour. The balm of holiness generated by the good lives of so many young people can heal the wounds of the Church and of the world, bringing us back to that fullness of love to which we have always been called: young saints inspire us to return to our first love (cf. Rev 2:4)”.[21] Some saints never reached adulthood, yet they showed us that there is another way to spend our youth. Let us recall at least some of them who, each in his or her own way, and at different periods of history, lived lives of holiness. Christus vivit 50

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