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Asia Pacific Province: SVA Peace Camp 2023, Mindanao - Philippines

A eventTuesday, 04 March 2025

See the photos here

See the three year plan of the Peace Camp


“SVA’s Village of Care is a Village of PEACE”

Building a village of care in the midst of a diverse community is a challenging task especially when there is a history of a wounded relationship among the peoples that runs deep. This is the experience of St. Vincent Academy (SVA)  in Mindanao, Philippines, Asia Pacific Province, a diocesan school which  is administered by the lay and assisted by the Assumption Sisters and nestled in  Kauswagan, a predominantly Muslim community in Southern Philippines.

Kauswagan is a coastal town of Lanao del Norte, 21 kms. away from its capital Iligan City.  St. Vincent’s Academy (SVA) was founded by the Columban Fathers in 1960 for the Youth of Kauswagan who are Muslims and Christians. The history of Kauswagan has been significantly marked by strife and conflict between the government military troops and the Muslim rebels (MILF) Both Muslim and Christian civilians were caught in the midst of violence. Such was the Peace and order situation of Kauswagan for many years. The Assumption Sisters started their mission in Kauswagan in 1980 with the initial mandate to be a contemplative presence, among the people of Kauswagan in St. Vincent Ferrer Parish and St. Vincent Academy, a small Diocesan mission School for the educational formation of the young. In 1993, the sisters received a new mandate which is to be involved in Interreligious Dialogue with both Muslims and Christians. At this time, the Assumption Sisters experienced and witnessed varied challenges: war, massacre, armed encounters between the military and the Muslims Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the fire which razed the entire school, calamities like floods, typhoon which displaced many families. But all these did not diminish the desire to continue the mission. On the contrary, these events ignited a more fervent passion and a bolder courage to stay and serve the needs of the people.

In the face of all these upheavals, the Sisters again went into a process of serious discernment. In 2004, they decided to continue their mission in Kauswagan with a more fervent passion and a bolder courage to stay and serve the needs of the people. Inspired by this renewed response, they carried out a new mandate -  to create a Peace Sanctuary in St. Vincent Academy, in collaboration with the Parish, Parents, Teachers, and students of the school. The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Kauswagan recognized this endeavor and by a Municipal Ordinance, proclaimed the Parish, School and Sisters Convent campus as a PEACE SANCTUARY. The former Parish Center was turned into a Peace Center., a venue for Peace talks, JPICCS session and Interreligious Encounters. As one integrated community, they committed to work together to make their village of care into a VILLAGE OF PEACE.

This new direction led St. Vincent’s Academy to reformulate its Vision, Mission, Objective and Goal and came up with a 3-year Plan integrating Peace Curriculum in the school program. To further concretize this significant act,  the Peace Camp became an institutional activity which began in 2001.  It is a leadership training  for current and future student leaders of the school. It is a formative activity  designed to develop skills, enhance creativity in integrating Justice, Peace and Ecology in their daily life and the school, Parish and the wider community.

The following is a write-up about Peace Camp 2023.


PEACE CAMP SY 2023-2024

Date: December 1-2, 2023


The Peace Camp was a 2-day activity participated by all Student Body Organizations (SBO) elected leaders of St. Vincent’s Academy (SVA) and delegates from 4 Schools belonging to Cluster 1 of Diocesan Schools of the Diocese of Iligan. A total of 92 participants including Teacher facilitators attended the Peace Camp. This year’s Peace Camp had the Theme:

“PEACE: A WAY OF LIFE IN SYNODALITY.” This is in line with Pope Franics’ call to Synodality.

The objectives of the Peace Camp are as follows:

  1. To identify leaders who have potentials to promote Peace and care for Mother Earth as a way of life.
  2. To develop among the young a deeper understanding that they can be agents to bring about peace.
  3. To provide activities that foster Unity, Peace, Integrity of Creation, Respect for each other in diversity, acceptance of differences and a appreciation of others’ cultural background.


The participants were assigned in different teams which are terminologies of peace in different languages:

  1. Shalom (Hebrew)
  2. Pax (Roman)
  3. Kalilintad (Maranao)
  4. Kapayapaan (Filipino)
  5. Heping (Chinese)
  6. Heiwa (Japanese
  7. Pacem (Latin)
  8. Salam (Arabic)

Colors identified each team. Two teacher Moderators were assigned to each team with 2 team leaders from the students composed of 1 officer from SBO and 1 officer from Youth for Peace Club.

Different workshop groups were formed, composed of one teacher and participants. They worked together to do specific tasks like Liturgy, Food, Accommodation, Physical arrangement, Registration, Transportation, Bonfire, Peace and Order, First Aid, Documentation, and Secretariat.

The experience was enriched by  the sessions given by invited speakers. The inspirational message was given by Waren Tabanao, a graduate of SVA who attended 4 Peace Camps during his High School. He is presently the Youth Federated President of Kauswagan,  The talk on “The Role of the Youth in Peace Building in the Spirit of Synodality” was given by Rev. Fr. Carmelo Pocdol, Diocesan Schools Asst. Superintendent. Mr. Adelino Rico, our Local Municipal Agriculturist, gave a talk on “Care for the Earth as a way towards Peace”.  Lastly,  the session on “Peace: A Way of Life” was shared by Vice Mayor Maximo Arnado, Jr., Kauswagan’s Vice Mayor. Group sharing after each session in different teams followed. As a response each Team wrote their action plan which they  presented to the whole group.

On the final day of the Peace Camp, the participants gathered in groups to reflect on their experience. During this concluding session, each individual took a Peace Oath, committing to promote peace in their families, schools, and communities. This collective pledge signifies their shared belief and hope that the seeds of peace, sown years ago at St. Vincent Academy, will persist in flourishing and fostering positive change within their community.




Sr. Clare Joseph Palto-ub, RA


Kauswagan Community

Asia Pacific Province


Note: SVA is generously sharing their PEACE Curriculum where PEACE is integrated in the different subjects as well as the other programs and services. For those who want to copy, please contact the Commission on Transformative Education c/o Sr. Isabel Gorgeu.


See the photos here

See the three year plan of the Peace Camp