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Birambo Land of the Martyrs

eventWednesday, 12 March 2025




"This experience has given rise to a stronger awareness that invites everyone, peoples and nations, to put the word "together" back at the centre. Indeed, it is together, in brotherhood and solidarity, that we build peace, guarantee justice and overcome the most painful events. DELIVERED ON THE WORLD DAY OF PEACE 2023. Fr. François

Celebration of the Triduum of Reconciliation, Rwanda-Chad Province


JPICS Rwanda-Chad Province

Birambo Land of the Martyrs, a blessing for our Rwanda-Chad Province. 

 Birambo is a blessing for our province of Rwanda-Chad as the first community in our province. In fact, it was in 1954 that the first founding sisters with the Superior General Mother Marie Denyse arrived in Rwanda at Birambo for the new mission of the Religious of the Assumption in Africa.

 This particularity of Birambo was more underlined during the canonical visit to the Province of Rwanda-Chad by the Superior General and her Council from 13 September to 22 October 2022. During this visit our Superior General, Sr. Rekha accompanied by other sisters had a moment of recollection in front of the tomb of our 5 sisters (Sr. Gratia Maria, Sr. Boniface Eugenie, Sr. Alphonse Marie, Sr. Ilda Marie and Sr. Anne Marie) who were on mission there and who gave their lives to the point of shedding their blood in the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsis in 1994. This gesture was more significant for us than ever.  Yes, Birambo is not a place of death but it is a blessing for us, a land of martyrs. And I feel like repeating the words of Psalm 136,6 (137) to say: Birambo "I want my tongue to stick to my palate if I lose your memory".

After the tragedy of the genocide, the country, the Church and the Sisters of the Assumption have embarked on the path of reconciliation.  In order to consolidate our communion, each year, from 29 to 31 July, we celebrate in a special way the Triduum of Reconciliation. This year, 2022, the method: see, judge, act and celebrate has been used for this strong moment in our personal and community life. As a province, we look back on these tragic events with hope and faith in the Resurrection. We accompany our people who continue to bear the deep wounds of the genocide.

Sister Rekha and her council have also encouraged, strengthened and consolidated us in our interior life to live the communion in the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us on this earth.


Sister Domina Marie MUKANYARWAYA JPICS Referent of the Rwanda-Chad Province

January 2023