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Central African Region: Jubilee and wishes in Bafoussam (Cameroon)

C eventMonday, 03 March 2025

The day of Saturday January 6, 2024 was marked by the celebration of three events in the parish of Saint Barnabé de Kouogouo I in Bafoussam in Cameroon: the Silver Jubilee of SISTER Bibiane M. Kelly LONGA of the Sacred Heart; the Perpetual VOWS of SISTER Lucie Emmanuel Momo of the Good Shepherd.  And the renewal of the commitment of the Friends of the Assumption.

The celebration began at 9 a.m. in the SAINT BARNABE DE KOUOGOUO I PARISH in the town of Bafoussam in Cameroon. It was chaired by Monsignor Théophile Nare, Bishop of the diocese of Kaya in Burkina Faso, in the presence of the auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Bafoussam, the priest of the said parish, and other priests from other parishes.

Indeed SISTER Bibiane M. Kelly made her first vows in Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso on June 27, 1998. 25 years later, we have just witnessed the wonders of God in her life through the celebration of her Jubilee marked by the renewal of her vows until death in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption. It was a great moment of joy and jubilation, given her fidelity to following Christ during all these years of religious life.

The second great moment was the celebration of the perpetual vows of Sister Lucie Emmanuel of the Good Shepherd. Her definitive commitment to following Christ aroused great joy in the people of God. The exhortation from the main celebrant was a call to remain faithful to the choices we make in life.

The third moment was the renewal of the commitment of the Lay Assumption of Bafoussam and Baham, before God and before people following Saint Marie Eugénie and according to the Path of Life.

The Lord who walks with each and every one, continues to manifest his fidelity and love towards his chosen ones. We experienced a celebration rich in the sounds of religious chants, deep and moving and shared this strong moment of consecrated life.

The celebration of the commitments of our two Assumption sisters and our lay people is also a time for us to renew our commitments in the Church as Christians. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of religious life in his Church and for all that he accomplished in the Congregation of the Religious of the Assumption, in Cameroon and in Central Africa.

Marcelline Djuikouo,

Assumption laity