One of the most beautiful times in a person’s life is to be young. A young person is full of energy, is passionate, full of innovative ideas, creative and potential in many ways. They are vital agents of social change, economic development, progress and political stability thus the great need to cultivate the power that is within them.
Youth is the time in our lives that teaches us how to make the right decisions and choices for our betterment, a time of becoming more goal oriented and focused on what one wants to accomplish in life despite the challenges in world like unemployment, failure to succeed in education, poor economy, fear, rejection, peer pressure, unintended pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty.
In the past, the youths were blamed for their unrealistic ideas, but today, the society as well as governments, have begun to value and cherish the voice and talents of the youths. The youths have been discovered as a powerful tool for shaping a better tomorrow.
Since the generation of Saint Marie Eugenie, the Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption on 30th April 1839 she had a great vision of empowering girls through education and Gospel values for a transformed society. She believed that by educating a woman, you transform the society. This baton has been passed to the youths who have been in contact with the Religious of the Assumption all over the world in their mission of transformative education.
In our school, Saint Marie Eugenie Girls Secondary School, run by the Assumption Sisters, we are provided with the right resources, guidance and good environment to bring out and awaken in us the hidden potentials and help us to explore our many and different talents. The main objectives of the club is to assist us as young people to know, learn and live the virtues and values this great and courageous woman. These virtue and values include, joy, simplicity, trust honesty, straightforwardness, love, humility, prayer, discipline, kindness, perseverance, hardworking, courage, critical thinking, family spirit, the list goes on and on. The members are increasing under the supervision of Sr. Constansia Maria Mosha.
As a school club, we started feeling and experiencing strong reality in our studies, work and relationships that majority of us only knew in and by name. Sharing of different parts of the Bible together with quotations and inspirational words of St. Marie Eugenie, strengthened our faith and brought positive changes in our way of doing things.
Our club was officially recognized by the school and inaugurated on 10th March 2024, the Feast Day of St. Marie Eugenie. During the Eucharistic celebration, we felt called to participate fully in the great mission of extending God’s Kingdom in our small sphere. As we read our promises before the gathering, the words written on our T-shirts, “It is God who directs our destiny” expressed what was in our hearts.
In the Assumption, we have learnt that; to love deeply without conditions, to give ourselves completely and not to compromise with our chosen core values and that education and love for Jesus can surely transform our society. Learning is a process and this tells us not to be satisfied with what we already know, but to continue seeking for better and adding value to human development and transformation.
By St. Marie Eugenie Club - Chekereni