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East Africa Province: Don’t miss the moment

E eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

On 1st of October 2022 in the Catholic Diocese of Moshi (Tanzania), we commenced the month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, with a procession carrying the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Before the procession, our Bishop Ludovick Joseph Minde (ALCP/OSS) reminded us on how Mother Mary can teach us to remain faithful to our faith and following of Jesus in our families, communities and the Church as a whole.

The reading from Jn2:1-11 (wedding in Cana), Blessed Virgin Mary as a mother was the first to notice the shortage of wine and immediately pleaded with the son. The Bishop insisted that the prayer of the Rosary will help us put Christ at the centre just as the Virgin Mary did.

In the Rule of Life of the Religious of the Assumption, all the chapters begin with Jesus Christ and end like this; in Mary………., like Mary………..., with Mary………., Mary……... This implies that the Blessed Virgin Mary is our model as followers of Christ who are called to act on her words “Do whatever he tells you

The beautiful prayer of the Rosary can draw us closer to Jesus and Mary as we meditate on the great mysteries of our salvation. Let us approach our Mother with open hearts and trust. She is our refuge and ready to welcome us as her children. Before the death of Jesus, he entrusted us, that is, the whole Church to his mother when he said, “Woman, this is your son” and to his beloved disciple (each one of us) “Behold your mother”.

Those who pray the Rosary know that it is a “repetitive prayer”. This is true. It is like two people in love and are never bored or tired of saying to each other, “I love you!”. The Blessed Virgin Mary joins her prayers with ours as she did with the apostles in the upper room while waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised them.

Don’t miss the moment. Invite and be with our dear Mother Mary and ignite your faith.


Sr. Stella Matutina John

Moshi Town Community