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East Africa Province: Say it as it is

E eventMonday, 10 February 2025

You may have heard people say about faith when things are going the right way and are good, “I knew things would be fruitful if only I had faith”. When people do not know what to say before a difficult situation, this will be recommended, “Just have faith.” Faith is having confidence in what we hope for and it causes us to act on what we haven’t experienced yet. Faith gives us strength and courage to trust that we are never alone in our turmoil.

Every year, the class five and six students of St. Marie Eugenie Pre & Primary School, get the opportunity to visit the historical sites as an integral part of their outside the classroom lesson on Religion and African Culture. These study tours help the students to explore more outside the classroom learning and looking at photos in books to real experiential practices. Theoretical knowledge is not sufficient to build up faith and appreciate the different cultures in our midst. The students are always accompanied by the teachers who teach the topics.

Bagamoyo is a historical coastal town in Tanzania. The German colonial rule chose Bagamoyo as its centre of slave trading port. The literal meaning the Swahili word Bagamoyo is “take a load off your heart”. This was after months of long and dangerous journey and therefore Bagamoyo appealed to be a place of rest for the caravans and slave traders.

We believe that experience is the best teacher. At the historical site, the students appreciated the work of the early missionaries for their dedication of providing services like education, health and promoting faith. After exploring the local African languages the missionaries were able to translate some portions of the Bible, prayers and hymns into African languages. The students were grateful that now there are different written forms of literature. After entering the first Catholic Church in Africa, Neema Payema said, “I am happy that the study tour has strengthened my faith and to love the Church more.” This Church was established by the Holy Ghost Fathers in 1868.

 The students have realized the many ways that are used to express the African culture; example our values, beliefs, symbols, language, food, dances, works of art, tools ,symbols, way of dressing building of houses and norms. It was interesting to know that culture is learned, starting from birth to the end of an individual’s life. Therefore, every culture, whether large or small evolves, develops, or still the same, can teach us about ourselves, others and the entire world community.

After visiting the African traditional houses, Rosemary Kastuli exclaimed, “I have never seen such houses!” Yes, the study tour has facilitated a better understanding of history, holding the students together, and to show more appreciation for each other. The students now know that by living together despite their many differences of background, gender, family or tribe, they create a culture. They always try to allow God to use them to change somebody’s story or to be a bridge between to chapters in somebody’s life for diversity enriches a community.

So, what you enjoy, appreciate or challenge, learn and return to the source and discover how it has been built up to what it is today, then “Say it as it is.”

By Iguguno Community