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Entry to the Novitiate Province of Rwanda Chad

E eventMonday, 22 July 2024

Dear Sisters and Friends,


Good news!!!


On April 30th, on the occasion of the 182nd anniversary of the foundation of our Congregation, the Province of Rwanda-Chad had the joy of welcoming to the novitiate 9 young women of the Religious of the Assumption and 2 others of the Little Servants of Mary, a new and indigenous congregation which, for the past five years, at the request of their Bishop, has had their formation with us. The community had the joy of experiencing this event in the presence of our Provincial, Illuminata Maria, accompanied by the Provincial Econome and Sr Marie Laetitia who had accompanied the young people from Chad.

Claudine, the Superior General of the Little Servants of Mary was also present.

The new novices expressed their joy at taking this new step in following Christ and at being building stones for their own congregations. In a group marked by the diversity of cultures (with the presence of two Chadian women) and congregations, they recognised these differences as a source of richness and complementary gifts. This was expressed in their symbols:


Honey: "Lord, like the bees, which from different flowers of the field draw the rare juice, forming the honey that gives taste, so we want to draw from the richness of our different cultures and customs the good to build together the body of the congregation and make it a hive that brings us together, gives us the taste of living and sharing this life to those who come to us.

Flowers: "Lord, like these flowers which, through the assembly of their many colours, make their beauty, we want to be flowers in your house, to bring the beauty of life and the joy of living together".

A basket containing the Bible: "The basket is a sign of a well kept treasure. With this symbol we want to preserve and maintain the treasure of the word received from you, Lord, the day each of us listened to your call.

The 11 novices joined the community of 5 sisters and two second year novices. Let us pray for this mission, for our young people and their formators.

May the Lord of the harvest continue to send worthy workers to his harvest.    


See the photos here