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Final Statement of the First International Meeting of Communication for Religious Life

F eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

Together for Effective Digital and Evangelical Communications: a commitment for the coming years (uisg.org)

Together for Effective Digital and Evangelical Communications: a commitment for the coming years

Final Statement of the First International Meeting of Communication for Religious Life

Communication in and of Religious Life is becoming more and more important in order to be present and to help lead the new generations and our congregations into the future that is already underway.



Raising awareness about the digital nature of the paradigm of our life, both in society and in the Church: This awareness doesn’t just strengthen and focus on our communication on social media, but rather on all dimensions of our life

Considering communication as one of the missions of Religious Life, one that we are encouraged to by the Holy Spirit, who guides us to proclaim the Gospel in the Church.

Having digital missionaries in every institute, with the mission of creating communion and building bridges of dialogue in the digital continent, the sixth in our world



Professionalizing communication, by investing in financial and human resources. Defining an effective internal and external communication system, at the service of a targeted, integrated and method-based communication strategy 

Giving official recognition to the role of the communication officer and to the members of his/her team (sisters and lay people) at various levels (e.g., at the general, provincial, and local level)

At all levels, awakening leaderships to the digital culture and to its potential in the fields of evangelization, vocational pastoral, and charism promotion

Cultivate collaborative leadership in communion and co-creation with government at various levels (congregation, provinces if any, and local). Enhancing synodal relationships, based on trust and subsidiarit

Encouraging all members of the congregation (both sisters and lay people) to participate and commit themselves to a form of communication that is not just limited to information circulation. Involving members in the active development and exchange of contents (e.g., news and resources)

An effective external communication is nourished by the effective internal communication of the congregation.



Boosting professional formation for both the consecrated and lay people, who work in the field of communication in Religious Life

Including digital formation in the programs of initial formation, as part of the curriculum and as an education method: Educating to digital proficiency and educating by means of digital skills. Ensuring lifelong learning for formators, bridging the gap between the analogue and digital paradigms

Educating sisters to embrace a culture of digital communication and to develop critical thinking, whatever their age and role 

Learning and developping a discernment-based spirit, which is crucial in this constantly evolving digital world



Admiring the work of God in enhancing both technological progress and our mission. We commit to the responsible and wise use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT/TIC)

Knowing the potential and ethical limits of Generative Artificial Intelligence: Formation in Artificial Intelligence, formation by means of Artificial Intelligence

Taking advantage of social media and other digital platforms, to start dialoguing with those who are outside of the Church, speaking a language that those who do not share our same values may understand. We are called to go out of our symbolical “convent”

Build spaces for collaboration, exchange of resources and discernment between congregations in the field of communication. We are called to make the Religious Life Charism more visible and known

Building a relationship of trust with the press, both Catholic and non-Catholic.