local_offer Sisters

First Provincial Chapter of the Province of Ecuador-Mexico

F eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

See the photos here


From October 12 to 15, we held our first Provincial Chapter. 

The difficulties in obtaining visas for some Sisters from Ecuador did not prevent us from gathering in a "hybrid" way in Mexico, with great joy and enthusiasm for what the Spirit is bringing about in a new way. 

The laity participated in this first Chapter Assembly by sharing their reflections through a preparatory work that the Council launched for all of us (laity and Sisters), and which set us in motion to see what blossomed, what needs to be reinforced and what is "non-negotiable" in view of our Project 2022 - 24.  We also had the task of reinventing certain structures for the new Province.

So, we began on the evening of October 12 with a beautiful gesture of "breaking bread" at the common table where we all have a place and in which we are called to share our talents.  

The following day, the conferences of our friend, Master Juan Luis Hernández (political scientist and rector of a Jesuit university), helped our reflection process.  He contextualized our being and doing in the reality of Latin America.  It was a prophetic and hopeful look capable of discovering the signs of the Kingdom in the midst of conflicts and problems.  These signs also flourish in our continental reality, as well as the challenges that reality presents to the Church and to our educational mission.

The voice of the laity, represented by one from each territory, gave us a synthesis of the reflections that more than 50 collaborators and friends had contributed on what they see as challenges, aspects to be strengthened and what they consider "non-negotiable".

The synthesis of the work of the Sisters and of the lay who collaborate in the Commissions was also presented: Assumption Together, Education, JPICS, Youth and Vocation Ministry-AMA, Communication, Archives and the Network (EnRedaLa).  

We reflected on Provincial realities such as the economic reality of both territories, the need for adequate structures for our older Sisters, as well as some concrete accords towards a unified Provincial lifestyle.

Throughout the Chapter there were "echoes" from Sisters who offered us their point of view on listening, others who contributed each day a synthesis of what they had experienced or carried out a part of the animation, all this in a synodal way.  We also had an external facilitator, Daniela Cannavina, Secretary General of CLAR (Conference of Religious of Latin America and the Caribbean), who, with her simple presence and her profound outlook, helped us to enlighten our being and work from the horizon of Latin American Religious Life, inviting us to reread recurring challenges, key words and emerging issues, and then the key words and calls, based on what the Assembly itself had been contributing, in view of the Provincial Project.

The work of the teams and the discernment of the Chapter Assembly led us towards a common way of thinking. 

The liturgy was a fundamental element in our experience: each day began with a Lectio Divina which allowed us to savor the texts of Ephesians 1 which were providentially given to us. We felt that we were blessed and that we were a blessing.  The Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Alvaro, a friend of the Community, was another moment of spiritual communion to decant what we were experiencing. 

A festive moment and final rays of light allowed us to celebrate the joy of being Sisters, in the same boat, towards a new horizon and a new way of being Assumption. 

The Chapter has ended, and several of the Sisters who participated in it have been sent to share life in the "other territory" for a two-month immersion experience.  This gesture is another concretization of our new way of thinking and feeling ourselves to be a new and unique Provincial reality.

We thank the Lord for His Spirit, His grace.  We are also grateful for the prayer and affection of the whole Congregation accompanying this process.


Sr. Ana Sentíes, r.a.

Community of Querétaro (Mexico)