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Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in Madagascar

J eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

see the photos

Original: French

One of the main missions of the Church is to work in favor of life under all circumstances. This is why the theme of Justice and Peace as well as that of Ecology are two of its major concerns.

Regarding the issue of Justice and Peace, there is, within each diocese, an organization in each local basic community with a specific structure. For this pastoral year, the emphasis is on "animation on the realities within the basic community". All the organizations discern on the actual realities for a more effective action.

As Religious of the Assumption, we have been taking part in this mission for some time now by collaborating at different levels with the Church in Madagascar.

In our country, there are several problems related to the question of Justice and Peace. Among others, we can mention:

  • The violation of human rights
  • Injustice from the legal point of view
  • Social insecurity creating rural migration
  • Corruption

These are situations that promote human misery and prevent many people from being treated as human beings. Working for Justice and Peace means confronting these situations, trying to listen to the "cry" of the poor, to be at their side and to help them by accompanying them in the search for solutions.

In the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, the Justice and Peace Commission did not hesitate to help the Malagasy population to take precautions against the pandemic.

Regarding Ecology, several actions are being carried out. For example, the government has included reforestation in its program because it wants the ‘re-greening’ of the island of Madagascar and the Church is accompanying it in this process. The different institutes and organizations are mobilized for this reforestation (see photos). The Sisters are happy to participate. They also see to it that their students take care of the plants and flowers and make them aware of the importance of cleanliness and also to take seriously the sorting of different types of waste.


Sister Noeline

Religious of the Assumption

Province of Madagascar