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Central Africa Region: Transformative education at the heart of teaching at the Assomption Polyvalent College (CPA)

C eventTuesday, 04 March 2025

Transformative education is a particularity and even an exclusivity of the CPA. It is in fact an integral education, that is to say one which takes into account all the dimensions of the person, everything which can influence their life (family, society, friends, one's own psychology). …).

It is not content to only provide knowledge and know-how to children, but also interpersonal skills, living skills and many others. Concretely, when our learner commits an act, the teacher is not content or limited to punishing him, but takes care to investigate everything that could motivate his action. Any action taken here becomes a pretext to delve into the life of the learner (child) in order to extract everything that can help us facilitate their harmonious integration into society.

Also, faced with an educational problem (academic failure, excessive tardiness, consecutive or even unjustified absences, etc.), the establishment summons and questions the family, particularly the parents and close relatives, and collaborates with them for the proper monitoring of the child. Note that this monitoring does not only concern the intellectual aspect, but all areas of the child's life. We can note here the importance of the correspondence notebook that we have set up to promote close collaboration between parents and the school.

In short, at the CPA, we have the particularity of taking into account all the dimensions of the human being so that he feels loved, balanced in his education because, we believe that in this human being there is always a grain of good to germinate.

Transformative education as Sister Martine Tapsoba emphasized: “We will always need to cultivate the patience of the sower, the insight of artists, the creativity of poets, the precision of technicians, the freshness of beginners… to persevere in research the best for all. » The transformative education advocated at the CPA is an education that humanizes, that puts our learners on their feet; we have faith in his action and we move forward with courage, counting on each other.

By Miss Monique BAKAM WAGNE Teacher..