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Novena of the Assumption - Cross the Boundaries With Mary

N eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

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For the launching of the novena of the feast of the Assumption:Today we formally launch the Novena in our school. The Novena is a form of prayer to help us grow into the ways of God the way Mary had become a transformed human being.In Mary’s life we saw how she had made God’s Reign become present in her life and in the world she lived.

We saw in Mary’s life that she courageously “crossed boundaries” in order to follow God’s will for her.

In the Islamic tradition, Mary or Maryan in Arabic, is considered one of the most righteous women and is held as a model of believers. She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Koran and is mentioned more times in the Koran that in the entire new testament.

The 19th chapter of the Koran is named after her. Therefore, it is fitting that as we continue to journey with our Muslim brothers and sisters during this month of the Ramadan, we Catholics honor and learn from Mary and prepare together this great feast of the Assumption through this Novena.

We have chosen the theme; crossing the Boundaries with Mary in the same spirit as our theme for the Ramadan so that all together as a school community we can take small but concrete steps to make God’s presence truly felt in the whole net of the entire creation.

Kauswagan CommunityProvince de Philippines – Thailand