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Province Ecuador - Mexico: RA Artisans of Care

P eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

Very dear Sisters,

Last weekend, May 4 and 5, we had a second Continental Meeting via Zoom with Sisters aged 40 to 60 on the theme: “Religious life, artisans of care”, encouraged by our Provincials and organized by an international group of Sisters: Ethel (Central America-Cuba) Coordinator, Gertrude (USA), Laura (Ecuador-Mexico) secretary and responsible for technical issues, Mechita (South Atlantic) and Mary Anne (USA) who helped us with the translation.

The objectives were met as we continue to build links and networks with the Sisters of the Continent. It is a joy to see each other and share in a spirit of openness, truth and discernment the motions of the Spirit in a very sisterly environment. And the second objective: “To deepen the call of the CLAR to be ‘Artisans of Care within the Consecrated Life’”.

We began with a very beautiful prayer and the Word of God on the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk. 10:24-37) which invited us to profoundly participate in the meeting.

Before starting, we were asked to follow the Synodal Methodology, a spiritual conversation that invites us to speak from the heart, to listen attentively to the calls of the Spirit through the sharing of others, to create an atmosphere of silence, prayer and to discover the fruits of the sharing. It was also used in the different small groups.

 It was also a moment for formation. We watched the video of a magnificent conference by Sister Teresa Amaya, CCVI, “Caring for the relational dimension: the art of being sisters and brothers" that described very well the internal reality of our Congregations and our communities. It was like receiving a "family portrait" because we felt very challenged and daring to go "beyond our fears." She invited us to look at Consecrated Life in general, to face our fears, to be authentic artisans of care which can only be achieved by "going out and listening" in order to be moved by the pain of others. This is only achieved by "ventilating" ourselves; the Consecrated Life needs "a breath of fresh air" because we run the risk of suffocating ourselves, immersed in our individualisms, closed systems, narcissism, self-reference, memory loss, that is, the fear of self-criticism, of reviewing and recognizing our mistakes, of not speaking the truth. This blocks, paralyzes, takes away strength from life and from our Consecrated Life. Some key words to be able to experience this: community, trust, synodality, moving around, overcoming generational trauma, need to "move on", listening attentively on a missionary code.

Then we had a talk prepared by our Sister Ana Senties about "Marie Eugenie and Care of the Community " that also enlightened us a lot because, since the beginning of the Foundation, Marie Eugenie invites us to live evangelical community relationships with attitudes of humility, simplicity and benevolence, practice intelligent self-care, be well for the Kingdom and for others. The fraternal life gives us mental health, comprehensive health, it is necessary to know how to manage emotions. We thank God for having a spirituality that propels and challenges us. The culture of care makes us "spin more finely" from a true personal conversion in the style of Jesus, let us ask for that grace to be able to love ourselves, care for ourselves, help us understand our Sisters and others in the mission better. The Spirit today calls us to open ourselves to a conversion, to a personal and pastoral "metanoia."

We started our second day by sharing in groups on the situations that move and hurt us in our world and our countries. There were several constants, among others the following:

1) Wars that drag on and there is no way to stop them or have peaceful negotiations, with all the terrible consequences that they bring: destruction, violence, migration, poverty, death, "everyone loses" as Pope Francis says.

2) Most of the youth in our countries who are the present and future of our people, are immersed and lost in the world of drugs because they consume, sell, expose themselves, extort, kill or are murdered.

3) The growing economic crisis that affects millions of families, causes anguish for "day-to-day" survival, separates families due to the decision to migrate, people are exposed to danger and persecution, and continue in poverty. Many small towns in our countries are “empty” of young people due to mass migration.

4) The indifference of governments that do nothing to create or implement public policies for the prevention of addictions; education is reduced to instruction and not to the comprehensive formation of people so that they can face the future from clear, firm values in favor of life, development and the search for the common good.

That awareness of our social reality that suffers, that cries out, was very interesting and profound! Later on we returned to the situations that provide "Good News" and hope, such as seeing how civil society, the Episcopal Conferences, the Conference of Religious Women of the Continent express themselves, organize and fight to rebuild the social fabric, peace and justice among our people.

We would have much more to share because we receive much enlightenment from the Spirit to continue searching as part of the Consecrated Life on the Continent. We want to continue "journeying together" as Assumption and being open to others. Let us pray that, in this time of grace towards the General Chapter, the Spirit may continue to guide us with wisdom, audacity and that this "oxygenation” of the Congregation may help us to move on and to Revitalize the Consecrated Life as a whole in this preparation for next year's Jubilee.

We deeply appreciate how well this Meeting, which has "shaken us", was prepared. We appreciate the joy of seeing each other and knowing that we are accompanied on this Easter journey.

We note that this type of meeting "oxygenates” us, fills us with joy and motivates us" which is why we want to continue meeting at least once or twice a year with as many of the Sisters as possible.


Josefina Flores