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Province of France: A network project for a network in project

P eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

Following the orientations of the Province of France and after a work of analysis with the schools, the network project has been written for the years 2019-2025.

A project to plan ahead. To be constantly on the move. To seek. It is with this intention that it finds its place, while drawing its source from the Apostolic and Educational Project of the Assumption (PAEA). You are no doubt already familiar with one of the ten points of the APEA, whether it be "Seeing the big picture", "Loving our time", "Working for the transformation of society" or "Acting with audacity and humility". So many expressions that Saint Marie-Eugénie, Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption, used in the context of the 19th century. And what are our plans today? How do we give ourselves the capacity to respond to the calls of our time? As Sister Véronique writes on page 12 of this supplement, "the experience of Assumption France is an experience of co-responsibility of all the members of the educational community around the charism of the Congregation.

It is therefore together and with the contribution of all that this project has found words to express itself. Words of today, of our present world and of our schools. As if to take good care of what Marie-Eugénie gave us, not by leaving it in a place protected from everything, but by confronting it with our contemporary reality. Six points of horizon, almost resolutions, inhabit this 2019-2025 network project:

- To affirm our Assumption identity and our openness to all, through the transmission of the charism to all those involved, through the proposals to live a family spirit and through the invitation to open ourselves widely to the challenges that cross our world and our territories.

- To develop integral ecology, at the service of the person, the world and creation.

- To live the pastoral ministry of the Assumption at the heart of our establishments, based on experience and a commitment to social transformation, by developing interiority and awakening to the spiritual dimension of existence.

- Dare to innovate pedagogically, to reach young people in their societal context and environment, to sharpen pedagogical practices for an integral formation of people, to propose a meaning to individual and collective performances according to the PAEA.

- Promote the school-family educational alliance to consider parents as real partners, to enter into dialogue on educational issues and to better accompany each child in the uniqueness of his or her family environment.

- Ensure the support functions, maintaining the primacy of the meaning and the project with an economic realism that allows the implementation of the necessary solidarity and the consolidation and perpetuation of the means of the schools and the network.

Let us stop for a moment to consider the educational promotion of schools and families. For us, this means continuing to support parents in their mission as primary educators, by working towards the principles of co-education through genuine dialogue. With greater ambition, the project also aims to provide the means to improve our understanding of new family models and evolutions in educational practices; at the same time, it wishes to place the human being at the heart of the construction of affective and sexual relationships.

The Assumption training centre is a source of dynamism for all this, both through its EARS research group and in the deployment of national parent training courses which bring together all the parent associations present in each of our establishments.

The review "L'Assomption et ses œuvres" is another instrument of alliance between schools and families, like a link, which shows the coherence of the realities and which invites us to live close to each other. "There must be different modes of expression and social participation. Education is at the service of this path so that every human being can be the artisan of his or her own destiny. Pope Francis Fratelli tutti

Anthony ODIN