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Province of India: My Journey and Experience with Friends of Assumption

P eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

“Love Never Says It Is Enough”……….  St. Marie Eugenie

I Joined friends of Assumption in the year 2005. The ever loving smile and affection of the sisters made my heart and mind to join the friends of Assumption. I came to know about the life of St. Marie Eugenie and I was quite overwhelmed with her life due to which I developed my interest in removing social evils and transform the society through the means of education. She was a woman of faith, love and simplicity. Our group got a chance to discover St. Marie Eugenie by undergoing various classes especially by Rev.Sr.Lizzie which enriched us and our understanding. She is journeying with us as a friend, sister and a loving mother.

I was very much influenced by the way of life led by St. Marie Eugenie. When she received her first Holy Communion she experienced the divine power of the Holy Spirit from which I was very much influenced to serve the friends of Assumption. This in turn made me to attend The Eucharistic Mass regularly and receive Holy Communion and to listen to the word of God. I was also able to spend more time in Adoration. I truly felt that I am being blessed after joining the Friends of Assumption. I started accepting Jesus as the centre of my life and have built up more trust in God. Whatever favours I received, I like to share with others. I developed my interest to love and care the poor and needy. Whatever I do, I do it from the bottom of my heart and with great love and commitment. I accept Holy Mary as my mother, Jesus as my best friend and Holy Spirit as my leader. So in this way I have given up myself completely to God. After I joined Friends of Assumption I experienced my life in a more meaningful and spiritual manner.

I was elected as the National Coordinator of Assumption together in India from 15th August 2015 to 2nd October 2019. In June 2018, by the Grace of God I was invited for the General Chapter in Paris, Lourdes. Sisters and friends were present there from various countries. The welcome was amazing with their love and happiness. This meeting at Paris was a great blessing and an unforgettable moment for me. Every single day we use to go out to visit and pray for everyone in front of Our Lady. I experienced blessings of Mother Mary on me and my family. Special thanks to Rev. Sr. Martin, Rev. Sr. Rekha, Assumption sisters and friends.

Seeing the love, affection and commitment to the church, I was chosen as a Parish council member for 7 years and liturgical coordinator for 3 years. Currently I am serving as a Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan to cater various needs of the church. My family members also supported and empowered me in this. I have also received many blessings in my family. I always feel that my body is the Temple of God. God’s Holy Spirit is dwelling in me.

During this COVID-19 pandemic and during the lock down period I experienced the showers of blessings to serve and attend the Eucharistic Mass and Adoration with good health. The COVID-19 pandemic taught me that the life is about Simplicity, Spirituality and Uncertainty.

I thank all my Sisters and Friends of Assumption who helped me and motivated me in joining and journeying the way of life with the Friends of Assumption. I wish all of us that we may experience Gods love and peace, joy and happiness in our lives.


“Where there is God there is Love”

“Where there is love there is God”               


Mrs. Cicily Castanha