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Province of West Africa: On the road to the General Chapter

P eventMonday, 22 July 2024

From April 14 to 21, 2024, the Superiors of the communities of the province met in Daloa, “the mother community” of the province, since Daloa was the first house founded in West Africa in 1959. The sisters, who came from Benin , Togo, Niger, Burkina Faso and of course Ivory Coast, were convened by the Provincial, to experience the second Plenary Provincial Council of the year. This PPC took place in the context of the preparation of the General Chapter and while awaiting the appointment of a new Provincial, given that Sister Virginie is at the end of her mandate.

Like all PPCs, this was also a place of formation. Indeed, the reflections of the Conferences of Major Superiors of the different countries of the Province on abuse, and formation followed by four sisters on the accompaniment of people in vulnerable situations have enriched the reflections of the CPP and inspired proposals for the development of a prevention and management policy in the event of abuse.

This second CPP of the year was also the opportune moment for several discernments with a view to the future of the Province. Sister Marie-Blandine, one of the Superiors who took part in the session on “accompanying people in vulnerable situations” shares what struck and challenged her: “After participating in this session, I became aware that every person carries a certain level of vulnerability and can become a vulnerable person at any time, following an illness, an accident or other ailments. A person can also experience a situation of vulnerability in which they find themselves limited and defenseless in the face of a given problem. There is also the fact that each of us can be abused in our vulnerable moments or abuse other vulnerable people. I also understood the importance of taking care of vulnerable people. To do this, we must be able to first take care of ourselves by recognizing, welcoming and accepting our own vulnerability, and then, be able to give our time for a kind and welcoming welcome, respectful of vulnerable people, by attentive and active listening to their concerns, through spiritual and psychological support if possible. Finally, it is important to emphasize that caring for vulnerable people is not a matter of individual action; it must be made a community action experienced in a network, so that it can succeed and allow vulnerable people to heal from their wounds and have the necessary resources for their autonomy. »

The Plenary Provincial Council ended in a tone of satisfaction and gratitude to the Saint Jean-Baptiste Community of Daloa for the warm and fraternal welcome of Assumption Together and that of the students and the entire educational team of the College.


Sister Marie-Madeleine