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Sharing our view from the Province of Spain

S eventWednesday, 22 January 2025

From the Community of Olivos: A shared liturgy on the WEB OPEN TO OUR WORLD.

The liturgy at the Assumption centres our life in Christ. This is the message that we wanted to share with all the sisters and those who are isolated in their homes, in their rooms, but also with all the friends of the Assumption and with those who, each day, join our online liturgy.

In the morning, with Lauds, we began our community life by praising the Lord together and offering our day to him: "Open my lips, Lord, and I will proclaim your praise.

Once again, we invited our sisters and friends at noon to educate us by listening to his Word. It was a time to turn to Him, present and close throughout the day.

At nightfall, with Vespers, uniting our voices with those of so many believers, we collected the suffering of so many brothers and sisters and we thanked God, convinced of his saving presence, singing and praising his love for each person.

With the prayer of Compline, we ended our day by expressing our gratitude: "Good night, God the Father".

Thanks to this rhythm of life, during the Pandemic of Covid 19, with many sisters confined in their solitude, small communities, lay people and families eager to pray, the Olivos Community shared its prayer on You Tube, transmitting the office of Holy Thursday and during the whole first week of Easter. 

It was a time of prayerful fraternity, open and united to the pain of the world, praying for our sick sisters, collaborators, relatives, and friends.

Some sisters, relatives and friends were taken by the Lord to be with him. These were moments of separation, which were sad, hard, and difficult. Joining the prayer of the Church was a balm that strengthened us and a gift for all. To be able to pray with so many psalms that gather the experience of the People of God has sustained our Faith, maintained Hope, and increased fraternity. 

The last celebration on You Tube that brought together this journey as a community and province open to the world was the Eucharist for our sisters who left for the house of the Father. Contemplating their faces, listening to their names and the Word that guided their lives, feeling the closeness of the Assumption to the world and with so many friends and relatives sustained us in the certainty that our lives do not end, that they are transformed to be welcomed, cared for and blessed by our God. Once again, the dedicated life of our sisters was presented to the Father, united to that of his Son Jesus who prepared a place for them in the company of St. Marie-Eugénie and so many loved ones.