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The Assumption prepares for the General Chapter by organising Provincial Chapters

T eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

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Ecuador-Mexico Provincial Chapter

My eyes have seen the Savior whom you have provided as a light of revelation (Luke 2:30-32)

On the octave of Christmas from December 27 to 31, 2023, in the beautiful retreat house in Zumbahuayco, Ecuador, the Ecuador-Mexico Provincial Chapter was held face to face.

Mayi, our Provincial opened the Chapter, inviting the assembly to validate: what moment are we living today as a Province? It is time to know where we are going. How do we want to construct the Province?

We start from the difference between the Cronos (coming from the hours "monotonous time") and the Kairos, something important that is happening, that changes destiny, what is immortalized, "surprise", "newness", go through everything until we reach God’s time.

After the first work in teams made up of Sisters from the different Communities, important calls were picked up such as:

  • to strengthen our communication
  • to review what presence we want to have in the Community and mission to make it meaningful
  • to prioritize what the Congregation entrusts to us
  • to humbly see ourselves realistically and take more care of our BEING than of our DOING
  • to seek new ministries and accompany each other out of fraternal sentiments and build Communities where the interior life is cared for
  • to be attentive towards the older Sisters, among others.

On the morning of December 28, the participation of the Lay representatives of our Communities gave a special touch to the day's work. Once again, we confirm the richness and complementarity that they contribute to this exciting mission of shared education.

Father Gabriel Naranjo, C.M., gave a talk on the kind of metanoia we need today. Based on Church documents, he made the need to nourish our belonging to the charism obvious, so that the rest is relativized; to prioritize the relationship with everything inter and that metanoia is fulfilled in synodality.

The presentation of Jesus in the temple, the meeting of Joseph and Mary with Simeon invited us to see the presence of Jesus with new eyes, to patiently recognize God in what is ordinary in the midst of the process that we live as a Province and globally.

The Lectio Divina, the liturgy, adoration, silence, sharing life, personal reading, reflection in teams were elements that helped discover and establish the concrete calls that we have as Religious of the Assumption: to become Good News every day in the Community and in the mission so as to be a faithful reflection of the charism and of the Kingdom.

Communications Team


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